Sustainable tourism
L’Heure Bleue is the only hotel on the island of Nosy Be to receive certification for its environmental and social management. Better, the hotel is rated AA + (close to excellence) by Arcet Cotation, with its certification “Ecovalue/sustainable accomodation”, valid until 2015.
L’Heure Bleue is the second certified Green Globe hotel in Madagascar after his “brother” EDEN LODGE.
1 traveler in l’Heure Bleue = 1 traveler’s tree planted.
It is our commitment to fight against global warming and replant forests with iconic tree of Madagascar (Ravinala), whose leaves are used to construct traditional roofs in the region of Nosy Be.

Our commitment to sustainable tourism:
L’Heure Bleue is intended to be a model for sustainable tourism : everything has been designed from the outset, in a spirit of respect for the environment and sustainable development in harmony with local people. For us the real luxury is not one superfluous: it offers high quality services in a rare and lasting environment.
DHW and lighting:
L’Heure Bleue is equipped with a 2012 installation of solar electricity with a power of 2350 Wc. This installation was performed with high-end hardware from most major Japanese and Germans manufacturers. Without battery, the solar electricity feeds directly on the hotel network, over the sun. A first in Madagascar. The electricity is produced locally and instantaneously self-consumed in the hotel. Each year, the facility will generate about 3,500 kWh of electricity corresponding to all electrical needs for lighting of the hotel. The electricity produced naturally by an inexhaustible source, is therefore not produced by thermal power plants of the island, running on heavy fuel oil. Each year, l’Heure Bleue avoids the emission of more than 4 tons of CO2.
Some of the hot water is produced by thermal sensors pieces (CESI type). These facilities already installed in Madagascar are robust and sunlight allows the supply of hot water over 300 days a year.
The water present in the basement of the surrounding hills, is drawn through pumps, and recovered in a tank of 10,000 liters, completely sealed. This deduction, quickly offset when the rainy season, allows supplying the hotel, and our organic garden.
Wastewater treatment:
Wastewater lodges are collected in sumps and processed through filters made of coconut and dead coral. Instead of being discarded at sea, where they could harm corals, these waters feed the garden. Wastewater from the laundry room are also recovered in the same way. Honeycomb towels and sheets were chosen for their low water absorption, and also to limit the use of detergents in washing.
Recycle our waste:
Waste treatment is optimized: we make our compost from food waste, and recycle everything we can, including metals and plastics. Metals will be transformed into saucepan, plastic bottles below dishes, glasses recovered … Non-recyclable residues are sent by us in waste in Nosy Be.
Nature Preserve:
Local materials (local wood and ravinala roofing) were used up in order to preserve the site and minimize the transport of materials and CO2 emissions.
The local economic impact
Staff development:
The recruitment of local staff is trying to contribute to individual development and social balance. We ensure that wages are higher than local standards, and that training is provided. Similarly a health fund of solidarity has been established for staff and their families, in addition to local funds which we contribute.